[ a non-commercial project ]
Gil Elvgren is as famous for his beautiful girl paintings as Norman Rockwell is for his inimitable char-acter portraits. Both are masters in their specific areas - incomparable!
Artist Elvgren uses the "live model plus photographs technique" in his enchanting paintings. A skilled photographer, he arranges many of his interesting Situation pictures by photographing his beautiful models in the setting he plans to paint.
A 'connoisseur of beauty, Elvgren goes "all out" to find as close to the ideal type as possible for his models. Many of them have obtained stardom in motion pictures and television.
Elvgren has the distinction of being one of the few foremost girl artists who paints exclusively in oils.
Here, indeed, is your private and intimate collection of beautiful girl paintings by one of the world's greatest artists . . . creator of alluring womanhood — artist Gil Elvgren.